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Para darse de ALTA/BAJA del Boletin OFER-TRABEC utilice el siguiente enlace o pongase en contacto con [log in para visualizar]
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Institución:The Pere Virgili Institute for Health Research (IISPV)
Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
Funded by the Innovation Project. Mode: B: PRODUCT. Cod exp: 2023 PROD 00085. PROJECT: EMMA MOLDS RESOLUTION REU/2813/2023, of July 27, which approves the regulatory bases for the Knowledge Industry grants with the support of the “Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya”.
The Pere Virgili Institute for Health Research (IISPV) is an institution that integrates research in the field of biomedicine in the “Camp de Tarragona” and the “Terres de l’Ebre”. The IISPV is the instrument that the university hospitals of both health regions have been endowed with (Joan XXIII University Hospital of Tarragona, Verge de la Cinta Hospital of Tortosa, Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital, Institut Pere Mata University Hospital of Reus) and Rovira and Virgili University, in order to bring together and manage biomedical research and innovation in the territory.
The Oncological Pathology and Bioinformatics (OP&B) team of the IISPV, based at the Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta, has been working for more than 15 years on the prevention and advanced diagnosis of cancer. Led by Dra. Marylène Lejeune and Dr. Carlos López, the PO&B team is an interdisciplinary group that includes pathologists, oncologists, hematologists, biologists, biotechnologists and computer specialists, with strategic clinical and methodological skills for the development of the group’s research lines.
The consolidated lines of research of the OP&B team focus on the study of the tumor microenvironment through digital image analysis and mathematical modeling. The immune response is one of the components of the tumor microenvironment that has been shown to play an important role in the evolution of cancer patients. Changes in the type and amount of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment have been related to differences in disease functionality. Our team has studied these changes through the development of new computer-assisted image analysis algorithms capable of providing more accurate and reproducible automated quantification of immune biomarkers with immunohistochemical and fluorescence staining.
Number of available positions:1
The chosen person will have to carry out, mainly, these tasks:
The selected candidate will perform the following tasks:
Selection of optimal tissue samples.
Testing of the prototype developed in the laboratory.
Preparation of HE stains, immunohistochemistry.
Validation and quality control of the obtained samples.
Presentation of results to collaborators.
Searching bibliography and writing reports and articles related to the project.
Assistance to the preparation of stands at fairs and congresses.
Other tasks related to the project and molecular biology techniques.
Degree in Biology or Life Sciences.
Master’s degree in Biotechnology.
Experience in biological samples management.
Experience in the research field.
Speaking and written English skills (minimun B2 level or similar).
Minimum knowledge of image analysis software.
Degree or Degree in Biology
Ability for personal relationships.
Motivation, creativity, initiative and proactive attitude.
Ability to learn, flexibility and adaptability.
Commitment to quality, to optimizing resources and to achieving results.
Advanced skills in molecular biology techniques.
Complementary training in immunology.
Knowledge of image analysis software.
Notions in data science management.
Previous experience in similar projects.
Ability to identify and solve problems.
Previous experience in writing reports and scientific articles.
Teamwork, ability to work independently, organization, kindness, dynamism, versatility, rigour, responsibility and confidentiality.
Carry out research under supervision.
Have the ambition to develop knowledge of research methodologies and discipline.
Have demonstrated a good understanding of a field of study.
Have demonstrated the ability to produce data under supervision.
Selection of CVs: Suitable and unsuitable CVs will be identified according to the requirements. Applicants who do not meet the requirements indicated in the point profile of the person and requirements will not move on to the next phase.
CV assessment Assessment of CVs up to a maximum score of 40 points.
Written letter of motivation: Attach to the CV a letter of motivation with a maximum length of 2500 characters with spaces. With a maximum score of 10 points.
To access the interview phase, it is necessary to have obtained a minimum score of 35 points in the sum of the scores of the assessment of the CV and motivation letter.
Personal interview. With a maximum score of 50 points.
Items 50
Attitude 10
Fit in the workplace 25
Experience, functions developed/skills 10
Teamwork 5
The selected person must have obtained a minimum score of 35 points in the sum of the scores of the assessment of all phases of the selection procedure.
President/a: Carlos López Pablo. (Group Leader)
Member 1: Esther Sauras Colón. (Researcher)
Member 2: Emma Forcadell Drago. (Postdoctoral Researcher)
President/a: Marylène Lejeune. (Principal Investigator)
Member 1: Vocal 1: Ramon Bosch Príncep. (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Member 2: Laia Reverté Calvet. (Postdoctoral Researcher)
The CV must include the DNI/NIE number or personal identity document
Send your CV and Motivation Letter through the IISPV website https://www.iispv.cat/treballa-amb-nosaltres/
For any doubts or questions: [log in para visualizar]
The IISPV will inform candidates through the website if they have been admitted or excluded from accessing the interview.
The IISPV will guarantee the right to equal opportunities and treatment, as well as the real and effective exercise of rights by people with disabilities on equal terms with other citizens, through the promotion of personal autonomy, universal accessibility, access to employment, inclusion in the community and independent living and the eradication of any form of discrimination. in accordance with Articles 9.2, 10, 14 and 49 of the Spanish Constitution and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the international treaties and agreements ratified by Spain.
In the event of a tie, priority will be given to hiring the person with a disability.
In the event of a tie between people of different genders, the person of the least represented gender in the work group/department/service in which they join will be hired.
The IISPV has the European accreditation The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), complies with the general principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Type of working day: full
Physical place of work: Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta
Contract: Indefinite linked to the Project MODALITY B PRODUCTE INNOVATION PROJECT “MOTLLES EMMA”.
Remuneration: 25.000€ - 27.000€ gross per year
Approximate incorporation: November 7th, 2024