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Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:15:06 +0100
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Para darse de ALTA/BAJA del Boletin OFER-TRABEC utilice el siguiente enlace o pongase en contacto con [log in para visualizar]
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 Institución:Instituto de Procesos Sostenibles (Univ. de Valladolid)
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Silvia Bolado Rodríguez & Israel Díaz Villalobos
RESEARCH CENTER: Institute of Sustainable Processes – University of Valladolid
JOB POSITION: Post-doctoral Researcher in Environmental Biotechnology

PROJECT TITLE: SafeWW - Sustainable Extraction of Valuable Bioproducts from Sewage Sludge: Analyzing Chemical and Biological Risks.

OFFER DESCRIPTION: The project addresses an important societal challenge: the safe and sustainable recovery of valuable components from an abundant and constantly growing waste stream - the sludge generated in wastewater treatment plants. The candidate will:
• Receive training in chemical engineering and analytical chemistry to handle the specialized process of recovering biomolecules using unconventional solvents.
• Contribute to the scientific and technical aspects of the project, bridging molecular biology with process engineering and analytical chemistry.
• Perform experiments on biomolecule extraction using novel solvents and purification techniques.
• Operate lab-scale anaerobic digesters and perform thermal hydrolysis.
• Prepare scientific articles, reports, and presentations.

DURATION: 2.5 years 

ANNUAL GROSS SALARY: €27,500 (approx.)

• PhD in Biology or Chemical Engineering.
• Expertise in molecular biology, including qPCR, databases, and bioinformatics, as well as microbiology and public health. Candidates with expertise in chemical/environmental engineering are also welcome.
• Oral and written communication skills in English.
• Candidates should be motivated by research and professional development, with a serious and committed approach to their work responsibilities.

CONTACT: [log in para visualizar]


OTHER INFORMATION: CV should be sent to [log in para visualizar] before the deadline. The presentation of a motivation letter and references will be positively valued.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
More information at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v4IFOimnE4N42gAselIHr0KNp4IPGCYH/view?usp=sharing
Institute of Sustainable Processes: https://isp.uva.es