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Webinar by Brett Kahr on maternal death wishes
Our Weekend webinar is fast approaching!
Maternal Death Wishes: From Baby Murder To Psychological Infanticide
Date: October 2nd 2021
Time: 10.30am-12pm
Cost: £35
Although Sigmund Freud wrote extensively about death wishes in the
family, he devoted far more attention to the child’s desire to kill
the parent of the same sex and, also, any unwanted siblings, rather
than to the parent’s desire to murder the child. Donald Winnicott
elaborated upon the concept of parental death wishes, especially in
his classic essay, “Hate in the Counter-Transference”, albeit
rather briskly. Building upon these foundational contributions,
Professor Brett Kahr will draw upon his work with psychotic and
forensic patients and, also, with normal-neurotic individuals, to
explore the many ways in which maternal and paternal death wishes and
death threats towards babies and children become internalised over
time and, ultimately, contribute to the development of severe
Kahr will explore the concept of the “infanticidal attachment”,
examining how early death threats can damage the very foundations of
the ego structure, resulting in psychosis, suicidality, criminality,
severe eating problems, life-threatening addictions, and a host of
other extreme psychological states. Utilising extensive case
material, he will consider how intensive, long-term psychoanalytically
orientated treatment can contribute to the neutralisation of such
toxic “infanticidal introjects”.
Professor Brett Kahr has worked in the mental health profession for
over forty years. He is Senior Fellow at the Tavistock Institute of
Medical Psychology in London and, also, Visiting Professor of
Psychoanalysis and Mental Health at Regent’s University London. He
is also Consultant in Psychology to The Bowlby Centre and,
additionally, Consultant Psychotherapist at The Balint Consultancy,
and works in independent psychoanalytical practice with individuals
and couples in Central London.
For more information please visit
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or call us on +44 20 7433 3112
The Parent Infant Centre
The Parent Infant Centre is located in North London and is a place for
parents to turn to when they are worried about their infant, child or
The Centre includes:
The Parent Infant Clinic, which provides a full range of child
psychotherapy, parent infant psychotherapy and related therapies, such
as music therapy and paediatric physiotherapy.
The School of Infant Mental Health, which delivers professional
training in Parent Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and a range of
courses in topics related to infant mental health. Many of the
School's courses are also available online.
For more information please visit www.infantmentalhealth.com
email [log in para visualizar]
or call us on +44 20 7433 3112