Espacios naturales protegidos marinos


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Espacios naturales protegidos marinos <[log in para visualizar]>
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 09:35:40 +0100
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Buenos días
Toni Font (Marilles) nos hace llegar esta convocatoria:
Hola, compañeros de la Red

Espero que os pueda interesar esta convocatoria.
Existe la posibilidad de que haya traducción al castellano, y 
tambien que haya más ediciones del taller.
Podriamos pensar en traerla a nuestras costas.

Dear Antoni Font,

MedPAN, the network of Marine Protected Area managers in the 
Mediterranean, offers *a 4-day training course on building participatory 
approaches to the management of fishing activities in your MPA*.

*This training is intended for MPA managers and fishers or fishers’ 
representatives who will participate in pairs*. It is designed as an 
interactive and participatory workshop to provide managers and fishers 
with key knowledge and skills, as well as tools to improve trust and 
start working cooperatively on addressing complex issues facing 
fisheries in MPAs, with effects both on natural resources and the 
viability of fishing communities.

*Throughout the training, each participant will be able to share their 
knowledge and experience for the benefit of all*. We will also learn 
directly from the experience of MPA managers and fishers in Gökova MPA 
(Turkey), where the training will take place, providing examples of many 
of the principles and practices that will be addressed. The topics 
covered during this 4-day workshop will provide a better understanding 
of some of the biophysical, social, governance and economic influences 
that need to be taken into account to *identify and share solutions for 
sustainable fisheries*. An overview of the training programme is 
available here 

*If you are interested in this training, and would like to apply for the 
next session from 23 to 26 May 2022 in Gökova MPA, Turkey or for a 
future session, please fill in the application form at the link below*. 
The application can be made by either an MPA management body, an NGO 
co-managing an MPA, a national or local MPA authority, a fisher or a 
representative of the local fishing community working with a local MPA.

As the training is designed to be attended by pairs of MPA managers and 
fishers or fishers' representatives (mainly small-scale fisheries, but 
also possibly recreational fisheries), *you will be asked to identify 
the two proposed participants when filling in the form*. Before 
answering, you should therefore make sure to identify this pair and 
contact them to check their interest and availability. If needed, you 
will be able to access the form again after submitting your application 
to complete or modify your answers.

Please ensure that you complete the form as fully as possible. We will 
base the selection of participants on this information. We will also ask 
you later on to send us a short cover letter from the MPA direction 
confirming the need for this training and the willingness to engage in a 
participatory approach with the local fishing community.

*Languages: *The training will be held in English with interpretation in 
two other languages (to be determined according to the needs of the 
selected applicants).

*Participation costs:* Travel, accommodation, meals and possible visa 
costs of the participants selected for this training are fully covered 
by MedPAN. Partners of the MPA NETWORKS project who may be selected will 
cover the participation costs of their pair of trainees from their own 

*Logistics: *Participants' logistics (flight bookings, airport 
transfers, hotel, meals) will be arranged by the organisers. 
Participants should arrive on 22 May and will return on 27 May.

*To apply for the training, please fill in the form at the link below. 
*Please register your application as soon as possible *by Thursday 24 
March at the latest*.


For any questions about this training, please contact Pierre Vignes 
([log in para visualizar] 
<mailto:[log in para visualizar]>)

We hope that this training opportunity will meet your needs and 
contribute to sustainable fisheries and effective MPAs.

With kind regards,

The MedPAN Secretariat


/This training was developed in association with the Mediterranean 
Conservation Society (Gökova MPA, Turkey) and Port-Cros National Park 
(France) with technical support from Anne Walton & Kate Hogg. The 
training is funded by the EU Interreg Med MPA NETWORKS project, the MAVA 
Foundation (MPA/no-take project), the FFEM COGITO project, the ENI CBC 
Med ENSERES project, Sigrid Rausing Trust, the LIFE Programme of the 
European Union, the OFB (French Biodiversity Office), the City of 
Marseille and CD13./

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receive any more invitations please click the following link:

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