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Mecánica de Fluidos


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Os mando una propuesta de escuela de verano en Cargese.


-------- Mensaje reenviado --------

Summer school annoucement from Isabelle Gallagher and Emmanuel Dormy

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the first advanced summer school on 
Mathematical Fluid Dynamics which will be held this summer in Cargese, 
The two main themes for this first school will be Geophysical Fluid 
Dynamics and Wave turbulence, and the summer school will take place from 
13 to 21 August 2021.

If you could circulate this announcement to potentially interested 
students and colleagues, this would be very nice.

The pre-registration is now open at: https://mfd.dma.ens.fr/

To be given full consideration, please pre-register before the 17th of 
May 2021 (the number of participants is strictly limited).

Best wishes,

Isabelle Gallagher and Emmanuel Dormy.


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