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Javier Burguete <[log in para visualizar]>
Reply To:
Mecánica de Fluidos <[log in para visualizar]>
Tue, 15 Jan 2019 12:27:14 +0100
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Por si es de interés para los miembros de la lista.

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	[fluidelasticity2019] REMINDER - Deadline for Fluid and 
Elasticity 2019 abstract submission
Fecha: 	Tue, 15 Jan 2019 10:18:43 +0100
De: 	Christophe Eloy <[log in para visualizar]>
Responder a: 	[log in para visualizar]
Para: 	[log in para visualizar]
CC: 	Fluid Elasticity <[log in para visualizar]>

Dear colleagues,

The submission deadline for Fluid & Elasticity 2019 is coming up soon:

*February 1st, 2019
We look forward to receiving your abstracts.

See details below.


Dear colleagues,

We are organizing an international conference on “Fluid and Elasticity” 
  in June 2019. This conference will be the fourth of the series. 
Previous editions were held in Carry-le-Rouet, France (2009), La Jolla, 
CA (2012) and Biarritz, France (2015).

The conference will be held at the hotel "Parador de Malaga golf" in 
Malaga, Spain (www.parador.es/es/paradores/parador-de-malaga-golf/ 
<http://www.parador.es/es/paradores/parador-de-malaga-golf/>) over three 
days (June 24-26, 2019). The conference program will consist of single 
plenary sessions with five invited lectures (40 minutes) and about 40 
selected oral presentations (15 minutes), with ample time outside the 
formal sessions to encourage informal discussions among participants in 
a wonderful place.

The list of invited speakers for the 2019 edition is:
- Basile Audoly (LMS, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
- Pedro Reis (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Leif Ristroph (Courant Institute, NYU, USA)
- Javier Rodriguez-Rodriguez (Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain)
- Anne-Virginie Salsac (UTC, France)

The deadline for submission of abstracts for contributed talk is 
February 1st, 2019. All details regarding the conference and the 
abstract submission process can be found on the conference website 

We look forward to seeing you in Malaga in June.


The Organizing Committee:
- Christophe Eloy (IRPHE, Centrale Marseille, France)
- Eric Lauga (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)
- Sébastien Michelin (LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
- François Nadal (Loughborough University, UK)
- Luis Parras (University of Malaga, Spain)


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