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Mecánica de Fluidos


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Os adjunto una oferta de post-doc en Coventry (UK)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stephan Fauve <[log in para visualizar]>
Date: lun., 10 dic. 2018 a las 13:48
Subject: post-doc position
To: fauve Stephan <[log in para visualizar]>

Message from Alban Potherat
Coventry University

Research Associate in Experimental Fluid Mechanics at Coventry University -
Research Associate In Experimental Fluid Mechanics On Magnetoconvection In
The Earth Liquid Core Funded By The Leverhulme Trust (Coventry University,

Alban Potherat
Professor of Fluid Mechanics

Executive Director
Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems
Coventry University
Tel: +44 (0)24 77 65 8865

*University of the Year for Student Experience*The Times and Sunday Times
Good University Guide 2019

*2nd for Teaching Excellence*
Times Higher Education UK (TEF) metrics ranking 2017 – Gold winner

*5th UK Student City*
QS Best Student Cities Index 2018
*13th in Guardian University Guide 2019*
of 121 UK institutions ranked


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