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Por si es de interés.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: post-doc in Lyon on water under extreme conditions
From: Frédéric Caupin <[log in para visualizar]>
To: [log in para visualizar] <[log in para visualizar]>

Dear Colleagues,

our group is opening a post-doctoral research position for an
experimentalist at the University of Lyon, France:

"Water and aqueous salt solutions under extreme conditions: viscosity
and vibrational spectroscopy"

You will find a short summary at the bottom of this message, and a
detailed description here
or in the attached pdf.

I would appreciate if you would circulate this offer in your networks.
Please accept my apologies for possible multiple posting.


Frédéric Caupin
Professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon1
Institut Lumière Matière

*Post-doctoral research position at the University of Lyon, France
**"Water and aqueous salt solutions under extreme conditions: viscosity
and vibrational spectroscopy"*

*Frédéric Caupin* (Institute of Light and Matter, ILM) and *Isabelle
Daniel* (Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon, LGL-TPE) are opening a
post-doctoral research position in the frame of the project *H2D2OX*
/"Light water, heavy water, and sodium chloride aqueous solutions under
extreme conditions to shed light on water anomalies and structural
properties"/ funded by the French ANR and German DFG for the period

Start date: fall 2020; Duration: initial appointment is 15 months,
renewable once. Review of applications will begin on 16 March 2020 and
will continue until the position is filled.Net salary: starting from
2000 €/month depending on experience.

*Brief description of the research:* implementing a novel method for
measuring viscosity of water and aqueous solutions under high pressure
(e.g. in a diamond anvil cell), and performing complementary Raman
spectroscopy. Full description available here

*Contact:* [log in para visualizar]


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