-------------------- INFOLING --------------------------
Lista de distribución de lingüística del español (ISSN: 1576-3404)
Envío de información: [log in to unmask]
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <[log in to unmask]>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <[log in to unmask]>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <[log in to unmask]>
Equipo de edición: http://elies.rediris.es/infoling/editores.html
Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs): http://elies.rediris.es
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.
© Infoling Barcelona (España), 2006. Reservados todos los derechos
Novedad bibliográfica en la red:
SAGARRA, Nuria; TORIBIO, Almeida Jacqueline, eds. 2006. Selected
Proceedings of the 9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Cascadilla
Press (Hardback: ISBN: 157473413X Pages: 341, Price: US $250.00)
Acceso a la publicación: http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hls/9/index.html
Web del editor: http://www.cascadilla.com/
Información editada por Infoling a partir de:
- Linguist List: http://linguistlist.org/issues/17/17-2883.html y
- Cascadilla Press: http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hls/9/
This volume contains 30 papers selected from two conferences which
were held jointly at the Pennsylvania State University in 2005: the
9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium and the 8th Conference on the
Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages.
The papers are organized into sections on theoretical syntax,
phonetics and phonology, second language acquisition and teaching,
acquisition of syntax, and sociolinguistics.
The complete table of contents is available at:
along with abstracts and the actual papers in PDF format.
This volume has been published by Cascadilla Proceedings Project, an
imprint of Cascadilla Press. Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings
Project are published in library binding.
There is also free web access to all of the papers in the proceedings
through our web site at http://www.lingref.com.
Nuria Sagarra and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
Theoretical Syntax
Karlos Arregi
Reconstruction and Condition C in Spanish: A Non-structural Account
José Camacho
In Situ Focus in Caribbean Spanish: Towards a Unified Account of Focus
Antonio Fábregas and Soledad Varela
Verb Classes with Eventive Infinitives in Spanish
Jon Franco and Alazne Landa
Preverbal N-Words and Anti-Agreement Effects
Ángel J. Gallego
Phase Effects in Iberian Romance
Iván Ortega-Santos
On Postverbal Subjects, PF and the Copy Theory: The Spanish Case
Lara Reglero
Spanish Subcomparatives: The "Obligatory Gapping" Strategy
Phonetics and Phonology
Travis G. Bradley
Metathesis in Judeo-Spanish Consonant Clusters
Laura Colantoni
Micro and Macro Sound Variation and Change in Argentine Spanish
Miquel Simonet
Word-boundary Effects on Pitch Timing in Spanish
Francisco Torreira
Coarticulation between Aspirated-s and Voiceless Stops in Spanish: An
Interdialectal Comparison
Erik W. Willis
Trill Variation in Dominican Spanish: An Acoustic Examination and
Comparative Analysis
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching
Mark Davies and Timothy L. Face
Vocabulary Coverage in Spanish Textbooks: How Representative Is It?
Kimberly L. Geeslin and Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes
A Longitudinal Study of Copula Choice: Following Development in
Variable Structures
Margaret Lubbers Quesada
L2 Acquisition of Temporal Reference in Spanish and the Interaction of
Adverbials, Morphology and Clause Structure
Paul A. Malovrh
L2 Sentence Processing of Spanish OVS Word Order and Direct Object
Pronouns: An Analysis of Contextual Constraints
Daniel Woolsey
Development of Learner Use of 'Estar + Adjective' in Contexts of
Comparison within an Individual Frame of Reference
Eve Zyzik
A Look at Missing Objects in L2 Spanish
Acquisition of Syntax
Juana Liceras, Aurora Bel, and Susana Perales
'Living with Optionality': Root Infinitives, Bare Forms and Inflected
Forms in Child Null Subject Languages
Silvina Montrul, Rebecca Foote, Silvia Perpiñán, Dan Thornhill, and Susana Vidal
Full Access and Age Effects in Adult Bilingualism: An Investigation of
Spanish Accusative Clitics and Word Order
Silvana Pacheco and Suzanne Flynn
Syntax-Pragmatics Interface: Brazilian-Portuguese L2 Acquisition of English
Patti Spinner and John Grinstead
Subjects, Topicalizations and Wh- Questions in Child German and Southern Romance
Ruth E. Vasconcellos Lopes
Bare Nouns and DP Number Agreement in the Acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese
Jessi Elana Aaron
Me voy a tener que ir yendo: A Corpus-Based Study of the
Grammaticization of the ir a + INF Construction in Spanish
Matthew C. Alba
Accounting for Variability in the Production of Spanish Vowel Sequences
Jenny Dumont
Full NPs as Subjects
José Esteban Hernández
Present Perfect for Preterit in Salvadoran Narratives: The Perfective
Expansion into Narrative Discourse
Francisco Ocampo
Movement Towards Discourse Is Not Grammaticalization: The Evolution of
claro from Adjective to Discourse Particle in Spoken Spanish
Michael Taylor and David Eddington
Negative Prestige and Sound Change: A Sociolinguistic Study of the
Assibilation of /X/ in Piauí Portuguese
Wilfredo Valentín-Márquez
La Oclusión Glotal y la Construcción Lingüística de Identidades
Sociales en Puerto Rico
Acceso a la publicación: http://www.lingref.com/cpp/hls/9/index.html
La edición del mes de septiembre de 2006 de "Unidad en la diversidad. Portal informativo sobre la lengua castellana" publica la historia de Infoling durante los última década:
Sumario de "Unidad y diversidad", edición de septiembre de 2006: http://www.unidadenladiversidad.com/sumario.htm
Portada de "Unidad y diversidad": http://www.unidadenladiversidad.com/index.htm