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Ángel Borrego <[log in para visualizar]>
Reply To:
Ángel Borrego <[log in para visualizar]>
Wed, 12 May 2010 19:08:27 +0200
text/plain (72 lines)
A petición de los organizadores envío la siguiente información que  
espero sea de vuestro interés.


Call for papers

European public libraries today and in a historical context

Oslo, Norway, 9-10 December 2010

Public libraries are institutions with a long history related to  
enlightenment, democratic access to information and culture and the  
promotion of reading. What, if any, will be the role of public  
libraries in tomorrow's society, characterized by digitization and  
globalization? A group of representatives from Nordic and Baltic LIS  
schools has during the last four years worked on developing a research  
programme with focus on the challenges facing public libraries. The  
purpose of this programme is to stimulate research initiatives and to  
formulate comparative research projects on national, Nordic-Baltic and  
European levels concerning the public library today and in a  
historical context. As a part of this initiative a conference on  
public library research will take place in Oslo on the 9th and 10th of  
December 2010.

Senior researchers and PhD-students from the Nordic-Baltic but also  
from other European countries are kindly invited to submit papers to  
this conference. Topics include but are not restricted to

- Public libraries in the building process of the nation, the welfare  
state and the multicultural society
- Models in European public library policy
- Spatial resources and social practices: library buildings as  
landmarks, memory sites and meeting places
- Public libraries as information literacy educators
- Public libraries as places and spaces in the community

We welcome papers presenting preliminary ideas and works-in-progress  
as well as papers presenting more final results from completed  
research projects. The organizers plan to contact a peer reviewed  
journal to have the papers at the conference considered for publication.

Timetable for submissions:
1. Proposals for papers must be in by 10th of June 2010, submitted via  
email to [log in para visualizar]
Proposals must be written in English and include: Title; Abstract of  
500 words; Author(s) contact information (name, full address, phone,  
fax, email, etc) and affiliation.
2. Successful presenters will be notified by 10th of September 2010.
3. Speakers will be asked to submit the final version of the paper and  
a short author biography as a Word document by 10th of November 2010.  
The full paper must not exceed 6 000 words. The time for each  
presentation will be 30 minutes including 10 minutes discussion.

If you have questions, please contact:

Associate professor Kerstin Rydbeck
Dept of ALM (Archive, Library and Museum Studies)
Uppsala University, Sweden
[log in para visualizar]

Professor Ragnar Audunson
Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science
Oslo University College, Norway
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