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Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 10:46:13 +0200
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 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
The Metabolomics Interdisciplinary Lab (MIL@b) group led by Dr. Maria Vinaixa and Dr Oscar Yanes is calling for expressions of interest from PhD candidates seeking to embark on a PhD in Metabolomics. We are looking for motivated, creative, committed, and team-player candidates. We will assist the candidate in funding application through the FI Joan Oró 2025 call. This program supports a 3-year fully funded PhD grant with a total gross salary 23.402,19€ for years 1 and 2 and 25.090,76€ for year 3. Please visit this link for further details. If successful, the candidate will be expected to be hired no later than July 2025. By then,candidates should meet the requirements to be registered as PhD students at Universitat Rovira I Virgili.

The candidate will join MIL@b and the PhD will be addressed at developing experimental and computational workflows for multidimensional mass spectrometry data (m/z, retention
time, MS/MS, and ion mobility) obtained by LC-(IM)-MS/MS and MS Imaging instrumentation. These new tools will be applied to a precision oncology case based on a cohort of patients
with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. The goal is to find prognostic biomarkers to tailor clinical therapies (i.e., radiation therapy or surgery) as well as generating knowledge about the tumor biology involved in relapse and treatment resistance.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
- Excellent PhD program and comprehensive research training
- Access to a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry facility
- Personal development in the field of clinical -omics and in an interdisciplinary team
with engineers, computer scientist, biochemists, physicians among other profiles.
- Doing your PhD with a high quality of life: medium-sized cities full of personality, a
mild Mediterranean climate, sea, beaches, mountains and exceptional national

- Graduates in Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Chemistry,
Biochemistry, and related fields
- Strong academic record (equal to or greater than 7.50/10)
- Good communication skills (written and spoken English equivalent to B2 or above)
- Knowledge of high-level programming languages such as Python and R will be valued
- Previous experience in data analysis will be valued
- Basic knowledge in mass spectrometry is a plus

At application, candidates should:
a) Fulfil one of the following conditions:
• Have completed a bachelor's degree within the European Higher Education Area OR
• Have completed or be currently pursuing a master's degree within the European
Higher Education Area OR
• Be admitted or enrolled in a doctoral program within the university system of Catalonia.
b) Having completed a bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification and demonstrate a minimum average grade in the academic record equal to or greater than 6.50 (on a scale
from 0 to 10). If the studies were completed abroad, the average grade of the academic record must be calculated in accordance with the current resolutions of the Ministry of
Universities regarding equivalencies of average grades
c) Each candidate can submit just a single application
d) Not holding a PhD.
e) Not having received in previous calls, any Joan Oró grant for the hiring of predoctoral research staff in training (FI) or any grant for the hiring of predoctoral research staff in training at the departments of universities in the university system of Catalonia (FI SDUR).
f) Not have had any other specific contract for predoctoral research staff in training for more than six months.

If you are interested to apply for this position please send an e-mail with your academic records, CV, amotivation letter and contact information of one or two references to
[log in para visualizar] and [log in para visualizar] indicating 2025FI_MIL@b in the subject.

Please note that this is a preview and that the link to apply to this position is available through AGAUR. A joint application is required. Expressions of interest should be sent not later than 25/10/2024. Applications close on