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Tue, 6 Aug 2024 18:21:25 +0200
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 Institución:Insititut de Recerca Biomedica de Lleida (IRBLleida)
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
We are currently seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join the Group of Molecular Oncology at the Lleida Institute for Biomedical Research (IRBLleida; http://bit.ly/molonco), thorough a joint application to the intramural research program ‘Four-year PhD Fellowships’. The successful candidate will work on a project aimed at characterizing the role of the Myosin Vb in colon cancer using a variety of cell and molecular techniques with cell line systems, animal models and large cohorts of human primary tumors. You can see this manuscript for more details on the line of research. 

Education and qualifications:
    · Researchers must have completed a degree and/or a master's degree that gives access to a doctoral program in the field of biomedicine at a Spanish university, and the average grade must be >7.5 on a 1-10 scale. Foreign candidates, please see: https://universidades.sede.gob.es/pagina/index/directorio/Equivalencia_notas_medias/language/en_EN

Experience and knowledge:
      · Documented experience in a research laboratory.
      · Experience with techniques of molecular/cellular biology.
      · Team-work as well as independence abilities.
      · Strong sense of responsibility, organization, initiative and self-motivation.
      · Hold the accreditation to handle laboratory animals and experience with mouse models.
      · Experience with histology techniques.
      · Experience in the field of cancer research.
      · Good communication skills and fluency in written and spoken English.

What can we offer?
      · Four-year full-time contract starting in October 2024.
      · 17.238,00 euros/year (gross salary).
      · 23 days of holidays + 9 personal days.
      · Skillful and social colleagues.
      · Dynamic and stimulating research environment in a leading Institute of biomedical research.

How to apply:
Applicants should submit before 10th of September 2024 a full Curriculum Vitae, a cover letter and contact details for personal references by email ([log in para visualizar]). Please indicate “IREP-PhD 2024-LI Application” in the subject.

      · Application Deadline: 22nd September 2024
      · Start date: November  2024
      · Job Types: Full-time, Temporary
      · Salary: 18.180,41€ per year

Información complementaria de la oferta:
      · Application Deadline: 22nd September 2024
      · Start date: November  2024
      · Job Types: Full-time, Temporary
      · Salary: 18.180,41€ per year