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Wed, 3 Apr 2024 17:59:09 +0200
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 Institución:Fundació Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]


Postdoctoral Researcher for metabolism research group


The Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases Research Group (DIAMET) is multidisciplinary and dynamic focused on studying metabolic disorders associated with diabetes mellitus morbidity and obesity. The research group is led by Dr. Sonia Fernandez-Veledo and Dr. Joan Vendrell and comprises clinical and basic researchers, technicians, and administrative support staff.

DIAMET opted to combine clinical research with animal experimentation to improve the translational nature of his research. This has been reflected not only in the increase in the quality of their publications (scientific impact) but also in their proposals' innovative and transferable nature, which has recently materialized in creating the Spin-off Succipro S.L (impact on society).
During this time, we have implemented in their research the use of animal models of obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, and atherosclerosis (diet-induced models, transgenic mice such as db/db) and developed numerous transgenic models (global and deficient for the receptor of succinate SUCNR1 in specific cells). They have also developed animal models free of microbiota (through protocols based on broad-spectrum antibiotics) and different therapeutic strategies based on probiotics, among others. All these
procedures have been carried out under the approval and supervision of the competent authority, first the ethics committee of the URV and later the ethics committee of the Generalitat, of the projects of animal experimentation drawn up to carry them out, ensuring animal and donor welfare thus compliance with RD 53/2013.

Number of available positions:1

The selected candidate will perform the following tasks:

	Guide the group's researchers on the best options, resources, and tools available in animal models of metabolic diseases.
	Help with the best experimental design in projects that combine clinical methodology and studies in vivo in animal models to ensure the use of the best disease model and the study's success.
	Advise on applying the requirement of Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement (3Rs) and guarantee compliance by keeping researchers informed about technical advances and scientists in applying this requirement.
	Process the approval of the corresponding Animal Experimentation Ethics Committees.
	Maintenance and management of transgenic colonies.
	Updating procedures.
	Technical support for other researchers.
	Training of researchers in the field of preclinical research.
	Advice on matters related to the welfare of animals (acquisition, accommodation, care, and use)


•	Degree in Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedicine, or Veterinary.
•	The researcher must have a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in a discipline related to Life Sciences
•	Possession of an Animal Experimentation Certificate issued by the Generalitat de Catalunya
•	Minimum five years of demonstrable experience in animal procedures and strong knowledge of animal welfare regulations and ethical and humane use of animals for research purposes.
•	Demonstrated experience in performing animal work following current animal welfare regulations. Experience in experimental design, conducting animal studies, data analysis, and report writing to meet GLP standards.
•	Experience in preparing and submitting ethics applications for using animals for research purposes.
•	Experience documenting and implementing compliant processes for animal management, ensuring all data is recorded, stored, and reported to stakeholders within required timeframes.
•	Demonstrated problem-solving and critical thinking skills, task-orientated with a solutions-focused approach.
•	Experience in international research laboratories (minimum three years)
•	Experience in preclinical models of obesity and in vivo research in neuropharmacology.
•	Experience in supervising students and directing doctoral theses.
•	Track record of publications in high-impact journals.


	The ability for personal relationships. 
•	Organizational skills. 
•	Motivation, creativity, initiative, and proactive attitude. 
•	Ability for continuous learning, flexibility, and adaptability. 
•	Commitment to quality, optimization of resources, and achievement of results. 
•	Previous experience in similar projects. 
•	Ability to identify and solve problems and challenges. 
•	Experience leading competitive research projects (as PI or co-PI)
•	Proficiency in electrophysiology techniques
•	Experience in conducting animal models for metabolic diseases and behavioral studies
•	Familiarity with advanced imaging techniques for neuronal analysis.
•	Demonstrated expertise in conducting research related to neuroscience, including cognition and behavior.
•	Knowledge of pain research methodologies.
•	Experience with molecular biology techniques for mRNA analysis in specific cellular populations.


	Full-time position (40h/week) 
	Workplace: Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII de Tarragona / Facultat de Medicina de Reus
	Contract: Indefinite of scientific-technical activities, linked to PERIS SLT028/23/000013, GRANTS FOR THE INCORPORATION OF SUPPORT STAFF TO THE CORRESPONDING RESEARCH GROUPS IN THE YEARS 2023-2025
	Gross annual salary: 28.000-32.000 € (according to candidate's experience)
	Starting date: May 2024 


	Selection of CV's. Suitable and unsuitable CVs will be identified according to the requirements. Applicants who do not meet the requirements indicated in the candidate profile and requirements will not pass to the next phase.
	Evaluation of the CV. Assessment of the CVs up to a maximum score of 40 points. 
	Cover Letter. Attach to the resume a cover letter with a maximum length of 2500 characters with spaces. With a maximum score of 20 points. 

To access the interview phase, it is necessary to have obtained a minimum score of 40 points in the sum of scores of the evaluation of the curriculum and cover letter

	Personal interview. With a maximum score of 40 points.	

Items  	40
Attitude 5
Fit in the workplace 	15
Experience, developed functions/skills	15
Teamwork	5


▪ President: Sonia Fernández Veledo. (Group Leader) 
▪ Chair 1: Joan Vendrell. (Group Leader) 
▪ Chair 2: Victòria Ceperuelo. (Principal Investigator) 
▪ President: Ana Megía. (Principal Investigator) 
▪ Chair 1: Lídia Cedó. (Principal Investigator) 
▪ Chair 2: Ana Madeira (Postdoctoral Researcher) 


	The CV must include the DNI/NIE or another personal identity document number.
	Send the CV and the Cover Letter through the IISPV website. https://www.iispv.cat/treballa-amb-nosaltres/
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The IISPV will notify the candidates of the results of the different phases of the selection process through its website.

Información complementaria de la oferta:

The IISPV has the European accreditation The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), complies with the general principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers.

The IISPV has an internal recruitment policy that follows the Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) policies. More information about the HRS4R policies implemented at the IISPV is available on the following website: https://www.iispv.cat/hrs4r-hr-excellenceresearch/ 

The IISPV will guarantee the right to equal opportunities and treatment, as well as the real and effective exercise of rights by people with disabilities under equal conditions with respect to other citizens, through the promotion of personal autonomy, universal accessibility, access to employment, inclusion in the community and independent living and the eradication of any form of discrimination, in accordance with articles 9.2, 10, 14 and 49 of the Spanish Constitution and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and international treaties and agreements ratified by Spain.

In the event of a tie, priority will be given to hiring the person with a disability.

In the event of a tie between people of different genders, the person of the least represented gender in the work group/department/service in which he joins will be hired.