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Institución:Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
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The Physics Department of Federico Santa María Technical University invites young researchers to apply for the Fondecyt Postdoctoral Competition 2025 in the areas of Physics and Astrophysics developed by the Department. Interested candidates must have obtained their doctoral degree between January 10, 2021, and June 30, 2024. The position is for 2-3 years, and the selected candidate must start their contract in April 2025.
The salary is competitive by Chilean standards (approximately $24,000 USD/year after 13.75% taxes). The project budget includes resources for operational expenses ($4500 USD/year) that can be used for equipment, travel, infrastructure, and furniture; and installation expenses ($3000 USD) to cover accommodation/rent, meals, transportation, and economy class airfare for the Principal Investigator to Chile and/or for relocation to other regions in the first year of project execution.
The UTFSM Physics Department focuses its research on High-Energy Physics (theoretical and experimental), Condensed Matter Physics (theoretical and experimental), and Astrophysics (observational and theoretical), maintaining a close relationship with international research centers.
Professor Dr. Carlos Garcia ([log in para visualizar]) from the Physics Department is interested in sponsoring postdoctoral researchers to work in the area of magnetism, particularly thin films, spintronic and the magnetocaloric effect.
The deadline to apply to ANID is April 11. Interested candidates must express their interest by April 5, attaching their CV with a list of publications, a letter of intent including a summary of research interests, and a brief research project (one or two pages) with a duration of 2 to 3 years.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
More information at https://anid.cl/concursos/concurso-fondecyt-de-postdoctorado-2025/