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Boletin semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
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Job title: Part time colaboration grant for the ECHOES project
Organisation and recruiting unit: Metabolomics Interdisciplinary Lab

Education and qualification: Degree in chemistry, biochemistry or related studies.
Competencies: We offer a part time (20 h) collaboration grant for a master student of the course 2020-2021. The position is held in the benchmark of the ECHOES project (EPIGENETIC AND METABOLIC ALTERATIONS ASSOCIATED TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EXPOSURE TO AIR POLLUTION AND ITS ROLE IN LATER LIFE CHRONIC DISEASE) awarded by La Caixa Foundation Social Research call. The main objective of ECHOES is to investigate the possible social inequalities in children regarding their exposure to air pollution, the role of this exposure in children’s health and its possible impact in later life chronic disease development. 
The selected candidate will perform the following tasks:
1.	Development and validation of analytical method for the determination of airborne pollutants and their metabolites in environmental and biological samples based on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.
2.	Sampling handling, sample reception and preprocessing.
3.	Analytical results processing and interpretation.
4.	Writing of scientific reports.
5.	Participation in social engagement and outreach activities.

Knowledge and professional experience:

-	Development of analytical methods for determining target compounds in environmental and/or biological samples
-	Liquid chromatography and mass spectometry
-	Excellent writen English skills
-	Team working.
-	Motivation for the proposed research topic.
Number of available positions: 1

Labour conditions: 
Part-time position (20h/week)
Starting date: January 2021
Lenght of the contract: 6-7 months
Workplace: Department of Electronic Engineering-Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Application procedure and deadline:
Applicants should submit a full Curriculum Vitae, academic record and a motivation letter with the reference IC41_20 to the following email address: [log in para visualizar] before January 15th, 2021.