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Tue, 18 Jun 2024 12:48:15 +0200
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 Institución:Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (CSIC-UZ)
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
INMA is a leading research institute on Nanoscience and Materials Science, with particular emphasis on nanobiomedicine, quantum technologies, and materials for energy and the environment, and covering fabrication, characterisation and theory. Hosting +300 employees, INMA is fully integrated in the local research and university life within the attractive social and cultural environment of Zaragoza city and surroundings.

INMA is opening a position for an Institutional Development Manager within the framework of the Spanish Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence Support Programme (2023 Call for Applications, pending formal notification).

• Lead the strategic implementation and oversee the execution of INMA's Severo Ochoa project, closely supporting the Scientific Director and INMA's Directorate. 
• Ensure alignment with INMA's goals and leverage both internal and external synergies to maximize the project's collective impact, as well as the long-term sustainability of the institute.
• Coordinate INMA's support units and collaborate with INMA's scientific bodies to guide the implementation of the strategy and monitor planned activities, ensuring alignment with the project objectives. 
• Monitor milestones and prepare regular reports on development activities, progress, and outcomes for the Scientific Director and INMA's Directorate. Analyse trends to anticipate challenges and identify opportunities to inform and support strategic planning.
• Contribute to the quality control and efficiency of the implemented processes, advising on correcting/improvement measures.
• Work closely with INMA's General Manager Office in the resource management (human resources, financial aspects, and general administrative management).
• Support internal communication and promote the reinforcement of INMA's identity and sense of belonging.
• Foster and strengthen relationships with international partners and other stakeholders to enhance the organization's reach and impact. 
• Represent the organization at meetings, conferences, and networking events to promote INMA.

• University graduate. Degrees in materials science, physics, chemistry or related subjects will be a plus.
• Master’s degree in Business Administration or other qualifications related to project management, quality control, etc. will be an advantage.
• A PhD degree will be valued.

• Experience in strategic project management and/or in the development and implementation of institutional strategies.
• Working experience within the Spanish and European research, development and innovation landscapes will be highly valued.
• Experience in the coordination of internationalization programmes and scientific collaborations will be an advantage.
• Knowledge on continuous improvement programmes.

Specific and transversal skills:
• Proficiency in both Spanish and English (minimum level C1 - CEFR), with strong verbal and written communication skills.
• Exceptional interpersonal abilities, capable of fostering positive relationships and effective communication across diverse stakeholders.
• Adaptive and flexible in dealing with challenges and changing circumstances.
• Methodical and systematic work approach, complemented by strong teamwork and decision-making capabilities.
• Conflict resolution and consensus-building skills.

• Full-time job (40 hours/week).
• On-site work, with the possibility of teleworking and flexible schedule.
• Indefinite contract with a 6-month probation period.
• Competitive salary according to qualifications and proven experience.
• Estimated start date: October, 2024.

Applicants must send an email to [log in para visualizar], including the following information:

• A motivation letter.
• A full CV.
• Reference letters (optional).

Deadline for applications: July 15th, 2024.

Información complementaria de la oferta: