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Thu, 1 Aug 2024 17:48:25 +0200
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Para darse de ALTA/BAJA del Boletin OFER-TRABEC utilice el siguiente enlace o pongase en contacto con [log in para visualizar]
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 Institución:Universidad Ceu Cardenal Herrera
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
We are looking for a young researcher in Biomedicine/Life Sciences, to apply the 2024/25 “Ayudas a la Contratación de Jóvenes Investigadores CEU”. Requirements are:
- Nationality of an EU member state, or be a foreigner with a residence and work permit
- Life sciences-related bachelor´s degree of at least 300 ECTS credits (prior to 1/01/2020) or a completed University Master’s degree 
- Academic average grade >7,5/10 

We seek a hardworking, highly motivated, and enthusiastic candidate, with previous demonstrable skills in molecular and cellular techniques. Animal manipulation (murine model) will be considered. Good written and spoken English (B2-C1) will be an asset. 
The candidate will join a consolidated group with large experience in studying the function of the Rho proteins which are known to be important for nervous system development and for normal metabolism. We offer the opportunity to do a PhD work in cellular and molecular biology, using cell culture techniques, genomic and proteomic analyses, and imaging techniques to decipher novel molecular networks implicated in the CNS development and metabolism. Collaboration with national and international groups as well as potentially short-term stays for scientific training are anticipated.
For more information, see below the lab website or the ORCID of the PI 
Interested candidates please write a motivation letter to Dr. Enric Poch ([log in para visualizar]) or Dr. Alexandra Bizy ([log in para visualizar])  before August 31, 2024, including a full CV, outlining research interests and career goals and at least one reference contact.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
For more details, please see the entire call here): https://www.uchceu.es/docs/conocenos/investigacion/convocatorias/CONVOCATORIAJOVENESINVESTIGADORESENFORMACIONCEU24-25_19_07_2024.pdf

For more information, see the lab website or the ORCID of the PI.