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Tue, 2 Jul 2024 16:57:38 +0200
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Para darse de ALTA/BAJA del Boletin OFER-TRABEC utilice el siguiente enlace o pongase en contacto con [log in para visualizar]
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 Institución:University of Barcelona
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
We are looking for a predoctoral candidates interested in performing a Thesis in our group. The project will cover the implementation of the proof of concept that inhibitors of PI3K are therapeutically efficient to block bone formation in patients suffering from FOP (Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva) (see Valer et al., 2019 and Valer et al., 2023). 

Background of the group:  Our group has carried out an active research on the molecular and cellular basis of bone biology. At present, we are studying several aspects of functional genomics of bone biology: study of the signal transduction pathways that control bone homeostasis (Smad, NRF2 and PI3-kinase); study of gene expression and regulatory elements of the transcription involved in osteoblast differentiation. Cumulative data allowed us the application of this knowledge to improve strategies for bone tissue engineering from stem cells to regenerate bone structures and identify relevant pharmacological targets for treatment bone pathologies (osteoporosis, heterotopic ossification and the rare disease Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva FOP).
More info about the group can be found at:

Requirements for candidates: 
- Degree in a discipline with strong background in molecular and cellular biology.
- Good academic record.
- Willingness to work with mouse models.
- Fluency in English and writing skills.
- (Desired) Accredited certificate of Animal Research Experimentation.

We offer: 
- 1-year contract, continuing for additional 3 years.
- Develop a Thesis project working in a dynamic group.
- Funding to cover stages and seminars to expand scientific training
Interested applicants should send a request by email (including a CV, academic record, and a brief statement of research interests) to Francesc Ventura ([log in para visualizar]).
Project supervisor:    Dr. Francesc Ventura.  Dept. Ciències Fisiològiques. Universitat de Barcelona (Campus de Bellvitge) 08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat.   email: [log in para visualizar]

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Relevant publications:
1.- Authors: Valer J.A.; Deber, A.; Wits, M.; Pimenta-Lopes, C.; Goumans, M.J.; Rosa, J.L. Sánchez-Duffhues, G.; Ventura F.
Title: PI3Kα inhibition blocks osteochondroprogenitor specification and the hyper-inflammatory
response to prevent heterotopic ossification.
Journal: eLife.
https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.91779.1 Year: 2023

2.- Authors: Pimenta-Lopes, C.; Sánchez-de-Diego, C.; Deber, A.; Egea-Cortés, A; Valer, J.A.; Alcalá, A.;
Méndez-Lucas, A.; Esteve-Codina, A.; Rosa, J.L.; Ventura, F.
Title: Inhibition of C5AR1 impairs osteoclast mobilization and prevents bone loss.
Journal: Molecular Therapy.
Volume: 31 Number: 8 Pages: 2507-2523. Year: 2023

3.- Authors: Sanz-Serrano, D.; Sánchez-de-Diego, C.; Mercade, M.; Ventura, F.
Title: Dental Stem Cells SV40, a new cell line developed in vitro from human stem cells
of the apical papilla.
Journal: International Endodontic Journal. Year: 2022

4.- Authors: Sánchez-de-Diego, C.; Pedrazza, L.; Pimenta-Lopes, C., Martinez-Martinez, A.; Dahdah, N.; Valer, J.A.; Garcia-Roves, P.; Rosa, J.L.; Ventura, F.
Title: NRF2 function in osteocytes is required for bone homeostasis and drives osteocytic gene
Journal: Redox Biology.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.redox.2020.101845 Year: 2021

5.- Authors: Ventura F, Williams E, Ikeya M, Bullock A, Ten Dijke P, Goumans M, Sanchez-Duffhues G.
Title: Challenges and Opportunities for Drug Repositioning in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
Journal: Biomedicines
https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines9020213 Year: 2021

6.- Authors: Valer, JA.; Sánchez-de-Diego, C.; Gámez, B.; Mishina, Y; Rosa JL.; Ventura, F.
Title: Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase α (PI3Kα) prevents heterotopic ossification
Journal: EMBO Molecular Medicine
Volume: 11 Number: 9 Pages, e10567 Year: 2019

7.- Authors: Sánchez-de-Diego, C.; Artigas, N.; Pimenta-Lopes, C.; Valer, J.A.; Torrejón, B.; GamaPérez, P.; Villena, J.A.; García-Roves, P.M.; Rosa, J.L.; Ventura, F.
Title: Glucose Restriction Promotes Osteocyte Specification by Activating a PGC-1α-Dependent
Transcriptional Program.
Journal: iScience
Volume: 15 Number: 31 Pages, Initial: 79 final: 94 Year: 2019

8.- Authors: Valer, J.A.; Sánchez-de-Diego, C.; Pimenta-Lopes, C.; Rosa, J.L.; Ventura, F.
Title: ACVR1 Function in Health and Disease.
Journal: Cells
Volume: 8 Number: 11 Pages, pii: E1366 Year: 2019