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Institución:Cris contra el cáncer
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Programme aimed at Attracting and Stabilizing Cancer Researchers in Spain
400.000€ distributed in 5 annuities of 80.000€.
Applications will be accepted from researchers who have completed a Doctorate between 4 and 10 years prior to the year in which the call for applications is published (between January 2014 and December 2020).
The applicant must have at least 5 publications in scientific journals and must be the first or last author for 2 such publications in Q1 journals.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
It is foreseen that the VI CRIS Emerging Leader Programme edition call will be open from 1 March until 15 May 2024.
In order to clarify any doubts that may arise in relation to this call, a webinar will be held on Wednesday, April 3 at 17:00 pm.