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Tue, 2 Jul 2024 00:56:32 +0200
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 Institución:University of Cantabria
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship to work on a project at the Department of Chemistry and Engineering of process and resources of the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain).
The main objective of the proposed research is to develop patterned in situ growth protocols of metallic nanostructures on arbitrary substrates.  
Applications are invited to work for 36 months at the University of Cantabria, under the supervision of Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli in the framework of the ERC Starting Grant project NANOGROWDIRECT (G.A.: 101115164). 
Specific objectives of this work are:
(i)	Development and physicochemical characterization of in situ grown nanoparticle systems. This will include:
a.	Different metals (starting with gold, silver, and copper, and moving forward with other relevant metals such as platinum, iridium, and nickel)
b.	Different substrates: including polymers, biopolymers, and 2D materials
c.	Different growth patterns.

(ii)	Development of post-growth modification of the fabricated systems, including epitaxial overgrowth, galvanic replacement, and alloying.

(iii)	Application of the developed methodologies for the rational design of chemically active metamaterials.
Required Education Level: Master’s degree in a relevant area of Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, or related areas is required and 
Skills/Qualifications: Experience in the fields of colloidal synthesis, materials chemistry and spectroscopy is highly desirable.
Project Funding: A PhD position is available, funded through the ERC Starting Grant NANOGROWDIRECT, Nanoparticle in Situ Surface Growth for Direct Fabrication of Functional Patterned Nanomaterials (G.A.: 101115164).
Type of Contract and duration: The successful candidate will be hired with a full-time contract for a minimum of 36 months. The contract will terminate once the candidate defends their PhD thesis or after 48 months.
Envisaged Job Starting Date: September 2024.
Application Deadline: August 10th, 2024.
How to Apply: Please submit your application to Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli via email  ([log in para visualizar]) with a motivation letter stating why you are interested in this position, your CV, the contact details of two academics who can provide a reference, indicating as the object of the email the following Job Offer Code: NANOGROWDIRECT-PhD-WP1.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
How to Apply: Please submit your application to Dr. Leonardo Scarabelli via email  ([log in para visualizar]) with a motivation letter stating why you are interested in this position, your CV, the contact details of two academics who can provide a reference, indicating as the object of the email the following Job Offer Code: NANOGROWDIRECT-PhD-WP1.
Equal opportunities Policy: the University of Cantabria is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to: age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other classification protected by European, national, or local law.
Informal Inquiries: Informal requests for additional information can be sent to Leonardo Scarabelli at [log in para visualizar]