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Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:41:12 +0200
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 Institución:Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM-CSIC)
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
We are offering an FPI contract associated to “Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2024” for a PhD thesis at CENIM-CSIC, Madrid. The project, entitled “Development and MULTIScale characterization of aluminum alloys with high strength and ductility for Additive Manufacturing (MULTISAM) (PID2023-152337OB-I00)” offers a unique opportunity to explore into innovative research on new compositions of aluminium alloys for additive manufacturing.

Project Overview: The main objective of the PhD project is to develop a new family of high-strength and ductility aluminum alloys suitable for L-PBF (laser powder bed fusion). The PhD student will receive on-the-job technical training based on the activities included in the proposal: (i) Materials design and Thermo-Calc software, specifically in Aluminum alloys; (ii) Advanced Manufacturing processes, specifically in gas atomization and L-PBF, and (iii) Advanced characterization, including electron microscopy (SEM/EBSD/TEM/HR-DIC), X-Ray diffraction, and mechanical testing (tension, compression, and fatigue testing). Training will be completed with stages in foreign reputed institutions in the field of additive manufacturing and physical metallurgy. It is expected that the PhD work will give rise to several publications in peer-reviewed international journals and it will give the candidates the opportunity to present their work at major international conferences. These highly sought s
 kills will open up career opportunities for the researcher in both academia and industry.

What We Are Looking For:
• We seek a motivated researcher with initiative, a strong capacity for study, and a passion for science.
• She/he should have a degree (MSc or equivalent) in Materials Science, Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering, Physics or a related discipline, with excellent academic credentials. Candidates with previous experience in processing and characterization of metallic materials and finite element modelling are strongly encouraged to apply.
• Good communication (oral and written) skills in English.

• 4 year full-time contract including social security coverage.
• The PhD student could enroll in the PhD program in Materials Science and Engineering of the Carlos III University or Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).
• The start date for this PhD contract is between January-March 2025.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Application Details:
• Interested candidates should send a motivation letter and CV to [log in para visualizar]

This is an excellent opportunity to join a leading research team and contribute to impactful scientific discoveries. Join us at CENIM-CSIC and be a part of impactful research that could significantly advance our understanding of new compositions of aluminium alloys for additive manufacturing. We look forward to your application!