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Thu, 7 Nov 2024 18:25:35 +0100
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 Institución:IATS, CSIC
 Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar]
Contrato predoctoral FPI en el IATS (CSIC)

We are looking for a candidate to apply to a fully-funded four-year PhD contract to work on the recently funded research project from the Spanish Ministry of Science “Holistic phenotyping of evolutive/adaptive features in fish farming. The gilthead sea bream holobiont: from pangenome to metagenome (BreamHOLOBIONT)- PID2023-146990OB-I00”

Lead scientist: Jaume Pérez-Sánchez (IP1), Josep Calduch Giner (IP2)

Thesis topic: Multi-omic phenotyping of thermal tolerance in fish.

Application deadline: November 25th 2024

Starting date: between 1st January 2025 and 1st March 2025

Candidates: Candidates should hold a Master's degree in Biology, Genetics, Biotecnology, Aquaculture or a related field. High academic achievements ( >7) and a high level of English are required. Programming skills and bioinformatics knowledge will be considered an advantage.

Location: Institute of Aquaculture Torre la Sal (IATS-CSIC), Ribera de Cabanes, Castellón

Interested candidates should send an email to [log in para visualizar] and [log in para visualizar]

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Web: https://nutrigroup-iats.org/