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Asunto: [Stokes200] Stokes200 Symposium, 15-18th September 2019
Fecha: Thu, 7 Mar 2019 17:34:50 +0100
De: Julyan Cartwright <[log in para visualizar]>
Para: [log in para visualizar]

The Stokes 200 Symposium will take place at Pembroke College, Cambridge, 15-18th September 2019, to celebrate the remarkable scientific achievements of Sir George Gabriel Stokes two hundred years after his birth.

Sir George Gabriel Stokes was a student, Fellow and, finally, Master of Pembroke.  While at Pembroke, he made exceptional contributions to science and mathematics. At the Stokes 200 Symposium, we aim to bring together an international group of approximately 100 experts whose work today is based upon his own, to emphasize Stokes’ influence and legacy at 200 to the community as a whole.  We shall explore and inter-relate all the modern research fields that have sprung from his work in physics and mathematics, along with the history of how we have got from Stokes’ work to where we are now. The list of invited speakers (see attached flyer) brings together both science and history of science experts, and reflects the breadth of research areas influenced by Stokes.  

The registration for the meeting is now open and can be accessed from www.pem.cam.ac.uk/stokes200. We note that the number of delegates for this meeting is limited to 100, the capacity of the Old Library in Pembroke College, so early registration is recommended.

Single-room and double-room accommodation is available in Pembroke College and may be booked during registration. Alternatively, a number of hotels can be found in the city centre.  Further out, but still within walking distance, is the historic Rectory Farm Hotel (www.rectoryfarm.net ) for those preferring the countryside.

A Symposium dinner will be held in Pembroke College’s Hall on the 17th of September and can also be booked during registration.

The Organising Committee
Silvana Cardoso, Julyan Cartwright and Christopher Ness

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