No, es del dept.
__________________________________________ Prof. Francisco J. Huera-Huarte, DIC, PhD. Department of Mechanical Engineering UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI (URV) Av. Països Catalans, 26 43007 Tarragona, SPAIN Tel.: +34 977 558452 +34 977 558865 (pilot plant) Fax.: +34 977 559691 [log in para visualizar] Scholar Profile: __________________________________________
[log in para visualizar]">Fran, és una beca FPI?
Joan Rosell-Llompart
ICREA Research Professor
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ)
Avda dels Països Catalans 26
43007 Tarragona, Spain
Tel.: +34-977-55-86-60 (direct)
Email: [log in para visualizar]
ICREA is the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies
De: Mecánica de Fluidos <[log in para visualizar]> de part de Francisco Javier Huera Huarte <[log in para visualizar]>
Enviat el: dimarts, 16 de juliol de 2019 17:14
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Tema: [FLUIDOS] PhD studentship - Lab. for Fluid-Structure Interactions (LIFE) - Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)Dear Colleagues
We have and opening for a PhD student at the Laboratory for Fluid-Structure Interactions (LIFE) at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona.
We are looking for an enthusiastic research student with a strong interest in fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction. Successful candidates will join a small but very active multidisciplinary team, working in several fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. The research will be mainly experimental and focused FSI with application to several engineering problems. Some of the topics that will be considered during the research include but are not limited to "energy harvesting systems using cross-flow turbines or other novel concepts".
More details can be found in:
Deadline 2/9/2019
-- __________________________________________ Prof. Francisco J. Huera-Huarte, DIC, PhD. Department of Mechanical Engineering UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI (URV) Av. Països Catalans, 26 43007 Tarragona, SPAIN Tel.: +34 977 558452 +34 977 558865 (pilot plant) Fax.: +34 977 559691 [log in para visualizar] Scholar Profile: __________________________________________