Queridos Fluidizos,
Os mando aquí la información de los Seminarios “El Almendro” que organizamos anualmente Javier Rodríguez-Rodríguez y yo en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Los seminarios se puede ver online [
en vivo. Os dejo la información oficial aquí abajo.
On Friday December 20th, we are celebrating our annual ''Almond Tree Symposium'' from Madrid, in which we invite excellent speakers in a wide range of topics from fluid mechanics to soft matter passing through bioengineering. The event is held
in the University Carlos III campus in Madrid but it is broadcast live and for free online [
If you would like to ask questions live to the speakers, please drop me an email before the end of the presentation or twitter your question to @alvarogum!
Here's the program:
Almond Tree Symposium, 20/12/2019
10:00 "Fire-ant and granular columns"
Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
(Georgia Tech and University of Barcelona)
In this talk, I will present recent experiments in my group with dense fire-ant and granular columns. I will first discuss how confining ants to 2D vertical columns results in an initial
expansion, followed by the spontaneous generation of ant waves. These waves are not just density waves but rather activity waves, and they propagate at a speed that depends on amplitude. I will then focus on 3D cylindrical columns and revisit the behavior
of granular matter and how it changes with respect to the standard paradigm for sufficiently narrow columns.
11:00 "Challenges in direct numerical simulations of finite-size particle laden flows."
Manuel Moriche (Karlsruher Institüt für Technologie)
Particle laden flows are multiphase flows in which the dispersed phase is composed by solid particles. These flows are present in many natural phenomena like sedimentation in rivers,
and also industrial processes. In many circumstances, the particles size is greater than the smallest scales of the flow and the actual size and shape of the particles needs to be taken into account. In this talk I will present the main characteristics of
finite-size particle laden flows and the challenge that direct numerical simulations present to the scientific community.
Best regards,
Alvaro Marin
Associate Professor
Physics of Fluids
University of Twente