Por si es de interés,


Assistant professor in « Hydrodynamic simulations » (MCF28-29), Univ. 
Lyon, France
Deadline for applications: 18/03/2020 

The recruited person will join a research team within one of the three 
UMRs: IP2I (UMR5822), Physics Laboratory at ENS Lyon (UMR5672)
or ILM (UMR 5306). The spectrum of domains covers a wide range of 
spatial and temporal scales: flows in the presence of free interfaces,
low Reynolds number flows, coupling between flows and particles, 
transport of scalar or vector fields (including neutrinos), multi-scale 
magneto-hydrodynamics, presence of a horizon (black hole) in 
astrophysical simulations, etc.

Teaching Contact: Jean-Claude Plenet - [log in para visualizar] 
<mailto:[log in para visualizar]>

Contact @ LPENSL: Thierry Dauxois - [log in para visualizar] 
<mailto:[log in para visualizar]>
Contact @ ILM: Philippe Dugourd - [log in para visualizar] 
<mailto:[log in para visualizar]>
Contact @ IP2I: Anne Ealet - [log in para visualizar] 
<mailto:[log in para visualizar]>

(details at 


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