************* http://www.rediris.es/diseven/ **************************** El Servicio ©DISEVEN es una gentileza de: CICA (Centro Informático y Científico de Andalucía) y Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS Para distribuir Eventos (Congresos, Jornadas, Seminarios etc): http://www.cica.es/congresos/ ************************************************************************* Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio. ************* http://www.rediris.es/diseven/ **************************** Para darse de baja de DISEVEN utilice el siguiente enlace o póngase en contacto con [log in para visualizar] https://listserv.rediris.es/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=DISEVE&A=1 ************************************************************************ Servicios de Distribución de RedIRIS: http://www.rediris.es/list/sdis/ ************************************************************************* ©DISEVEN Training offered by the School of Infant Mental Health School of Infant Mental Health Training programme Diploma in Parent Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Certificate courses and CPD Webinars Applications for Diploma and Cedrtificate courses now being accepted for January 2022 See below for details of monthly webinars in November and December All courses and webinars are open to UK and international applicants Please click here http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/bd4c80e68c0bd8adfb8d855a814a4f1a7c314a50 to unsubscribe from this mailing list Diploma in Parent Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Parent infant psychoanalytic psychotherapy helps the parent and infant couple to form a strong basis for the infant’s future development. Our psychoanalytic approach brings a deep understanding of that relationship and of its effect upon the infant’s developing inner world. By working with the parent-infant couple we provide an early intervention which is an essential key to preventing later, more intractable problems. This is the only training in this modality that is recognised by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. Our course provides a thorough training in Parent Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Click here http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/5e78f26d3667cea88e10b4896339a701b81295bf for more information Certificate courses The School of Infant Mental Health offers certificate courses in psychoanalysis, infant development and infant observation. Our certificate courses are ideal for ongoing professional development or to add towards a portfolio of training These seminars are drawn from the School’s full professional training in parent infant psychoanalytic psychotherapy and can be counted towards that training at a later date. British psychoanalysis – 3 terms Fifteen seminars introduce key concepts drawn from British schools of psychoanalysis, including the theories of Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and object relations and attachment theory. Infant Development – 3 terms Fifteen seminars look at the development of the infant in the months following birth, topics include the emergence of infant experience and perinatal challenges. Infant Observation – 1 or 2 years The close and regular observation of an infant is recognised as a powerful tool in deepening an understanding of early development and of the roots of adult mental life. Participants' observations are discussed in fortnightly seminars. Click here http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/16e2257927722c8cbe32114fd62f00931cbb6c9b for more information. Monthly webinars The School offers a monthly series of on-line webinars. Each is held on a Saturday morning 10.30-12pm. The cost is £35 per webinar. Nov 6th 2021 Resparking from Neglect and other shut-down states Graham Music The challenge of working with learned helplessness and dissociation. The early roots of unreachable states, including neurobiological and attachment problems, will be discussed, as well as how to work to redevelop more hopeful states, and how this needs to be informed by the practitioner's own felt embodiment and its use in sessions. Dec 4th 2021 Culturally Informed Infant Mental Health Practice Yvonne Osafo and Anna Godfrey This seminar provides an opportunity to identify unconscious bias and reflect on how it may be present in our therapeutic practice. Yvonne and Anna will offer their perspective of culturally sensitive practise, so that participants can meaningfully apply the learning to their own work with parents, infants and young children. Click here http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/64714a55eb3404effc1fbf5bb312949a8dd629c1 for more information For more information please visit www.infantmentalhealth.com http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/2d7b780cb9cb4c1349e4bf2e3fb5e2ddc5172323 email [log in para visualizar] http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/73cc1e37c6c1375334bb5a3c27432acb83bb19e0 or call us on +44 20 7433 3112 Please click here http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/bd4c80e68c0bd8adfb8d855a814a4f1a7c314a50 to unsubscribe from this mailing list The Parent Infant Centre The Parent Infant Centre is located in North London and is a place for parents to turn to when they are worried about their infant, child or adolescent. The Centre includes: The Parent Infant Clinic, which provides a full range of child psychotherapy, parent infant psychotherapy and related therapies, such as music therapy and paediatric physiotherapy. The School of Infant Mental Health, which delivers professional training in Parent Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and a range of courses in topics related to infant mental health. All of the School's courses are available online. For more information please visit www.infantmentalhealth.com http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/eea6dae5cc1731637741126109e714580d0e1f10 email [log in para visualizar] http://mailer.fluent.ltd.uk/index.php/campaigns/ym090k47rbb1a/track-url/kt265kdhrb863/8b0c4c4cba0ae4483c1b6905a502048c8309f037 or call us on +44 20 7433 3112