Buenas a todos, 
Os dejo con un anuncio de una plaza de postdoc en el grupo de Sunny Jung en Cornell: 
Postdoc position in bio-fluid mechanics

Bio-inspired fluid lab (https://sites.google.com/cornell.edu/sunnyjsh/) led by Prof. Sunny Jung at Cornell University has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher. The primary project is about fluid mechanics inspired by biological systems. The candidate should hold a PhD in mechanics or physics or a closely related field with strong experience in experimental and analytical fluid mechanics. This position is for one-year with the possibility of extension for another year. The candidate should have the ability to advise, teach, and work with graduate and undergraduate students. 

Candidates should email their CV to [log in para visualizar] . CV should include a description of relevant experience and experimental/analytical skills, and a list of publications. The starting date is March 1st, 2023, but is negotiable. 



Alvaro Marin             | Associate Professor 
University of Twente| Physics of Fluids
[log in para visualizar] | marin-lab.com