=== Para darse de ALTA/BAJA del Boletin OFER-TRABEC utilice el siguiente enlace o pongase en contacto con [log in para visualizar] https://listserv.rediris.es/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=OFER-TRABEC&A=1 === SEGURIDAD: Los enlaces contenidos en este mensaje son seguros y protegidos con reescritura de URL_DEFENSE de Proofpoint === ---Procedencia: Institución:IDIBAPS Contacto correo-e:[log in para visualizar] --- The position We offer a pre-doctoral contract as a PhD student in Liver Cell Plasticity and Tissue Repair Group at IDIBAPS. The selected candidate will participate in the project “Assessing cell plasticity in chronic liver disease: from organoids to therapeutic targets”. The project aims to dissect the molecular pathways regulating hepatocyte plasticity and reprogramming in the context of chronic liver diseases, involving: · Humans sample processing · 3D culture system including patient-derived organoids and iPSCs-derived spheroids · Animal models · High-throughput analysis including transcriptomic and proteomic data What do we look for? · Candidate with degree in biomedicine/engineering or related disciplines · Experience in cell culture, animal handling and/or bioinformatics · Competencies and skills: Communication, Teamwork and collaboration, Commitment, Proactivity, Integrity, Critical and Analytical thinking · Good level of English Main tasks and responsibilities: · Generate patient-derived organoids for functional assessment · Generate genetic engineered patient-derived organoids · Investigate mechanisms of disease in mouse models of liver injury · Evaluate genomic and proteomic data from patients with chronic liver disease Research group The candidate will be part of a the research group Liver Cell Plasticity and Tissue Repair led by Dr. Pau Sancho-Bru, located at IDIBAPS (https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/idibaps/research-areas/liver-digestive-system-and-metabolism/liver-cell-plasticity-and-tissue-repair). The group is a leader in the field of liver injury and stem cell research as demonstrated by high impact factor publications (Ariño et al. J Hepatol 2023; Aguilar-Bravo J Hepatol 2023; Vallverdu-Martínez et al. Nat Protoc 2021; Coll et al. Cell Stem Cell 2018). How to apply? If you are interested to join us, Please send your CV and a letter of motivation to Pau Sancho-Bru: [log in para visualizar] ---------------- Información complementaria de la oferta: For any other information, please visit our website: https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/ca/idibaps/arees-i-programes/fetge-sistema-digestiu-i-metabolisme/plasticitat-i-reparacio-tissular-en-malalties-hepatiques